Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Asset & Facilities Maintenance - Essentials by JeesRoyal Nigeria

This course address the knowledge gap in the area of Facilities Maintenance & Asset lifecycle management. It exposes and equips participants with the relevant understanding of industry best practices for asset performance & optimization.

Learning Objectives
- Introduction
- Understand the basics
- Asset management vs facilities maintenance
- Maintenance Planning, FM roles & processes
- Lifecycle Costs, Budgeting & Project Management
- Contracting, Outsourcing Models & Service Level Agreement (SLAs)
- Identify and monitor the facilities management-processes performance
- Preventive/Corrective maintenance strategies
- Performance Monitoring, Auditing

Course Fee: N20,000.00 only per participant
Payment details | Bank - FCMB | Account No - 1538086026 | Account Name - JeesRoyal Nigeria
NB - You can pay by bank deposit, bank transfer or online.