Friday 9 December 2016

Weekend Thrill: "Reconnecting" - A Short Story by Aimiuwu Nosazeme

I had just gotten married to Isabella and was getting used to being a husband. It wasn't as difficult as I had imagined. I still found myself wondering where and how other husbands who divorced their wives got it wrong.

I drove into the garage and parked my Audi 80 and then entered our home. I was an occupant of the house, so I didn't knock. I noticed immediately that Isabella was unhappy and absorbed in her thoughts as she sat at the dining table. NEPA had just taken out the light but there was a Chinese rechargeable lantern on the table.
"Bella, what's wrong?" She was mum. This was new to me so I was taken aback. I felt somewhat inadequate, asking myself how I could handle whatever made her become the way she was. "Honey, you know I love you dearly and if anything is wrong, I'll try to make it right," I said. "I'm sick of my job!" She blurted out.
"It's stressing me too much. I don't even have time for myself anymore."
"Why? The pay is great. How can you find a better job than that?"

"I don't get it. You were the one who complained to me two months ago that you were bored with just being a housewife at home. You said you wanted to work and earn some money. And I saw reasons with you, especially when you mentioned that you wanted to support me."
"There's this new lady at work. She is sleeping with the boss." "So, how is that your problem? Why is it affecting you?" "She orders him around. She makes him act foolish sometimes." "I don't understand."
"She came in this month and since she was new to office management, I was asked to train her. At first she was friendly, but I then realized after a while that that wasn't her true nature at all. She started flirting with the boss and after a while she left my workstation. Sometimes she doesn't come to work and the boss is never bothered, but if I arrive at my workstation a minute late I am criticized and humiliated before my colleagues."
"That's how bosses are."
"No, mine is very different. His case is extraordinary."
"Okay, I have heard you. I don't want you to be distressed about your job. Why not quit? Just tender your resignation letter to your boss."
"What! How can you suggest that? You know you don't bring in enough money."
"You sound like my boss already. I don't want you to tell me what to do."
"I'm confused here. Am I missing something? Why would you remain in a situation that isn't making you happy anymore?"
"Julius, I just wanted a listening ear. You see, this is exactly why I hesitated before telling you anything."
"But if you have a problem, isn't it logical that you find a solution to it instead of letting it eat you up?" "It's not eating me up." "But you are unhappy. Or are you not?" "Oh, I see. You just want sympathy, not solutions?"
"Wait", I said. "I'm sorry you feel this way. I has a stressful day myself. Can we just put this behind us?"
"You know what? Just forget it. I've warmed your food. It's in the kitchen. I have no appetite." Isabella got up to leave.

It's okay. I know you are trying your best, but sometimes it feels like we are disconnected somehow.
But you know say I love you na? Yes, I know but...

I gave her a kiss and the remaining part of the matter was concluded in the other room. 

The writer, Aimiuwu Nosazeme Eseosa, is the author of The Vanilla Lodge Homicide.
Aside writing, he is a singer, song writer, music producer, entrepreneur and financial adviser. His pseudonym, A.N.E, is an initialism for "Artistry Never Ends," 
He lives and writes from Benin-City, Edo State.